Coronavirus Information

At Pets Need A Life Too! presents HandicappedPets Australia we pride ourselves on supporting pet parents in giving the best care they can for their pets, and in these challenging times we think it’s important to share relevant and important information about the COVID-19 situation.


Together with the latest Government restrictions we’ve put together the below FAQs in the hope to answer some of the many questions we are receiving from worried pet parents.

Should you have any additional concerns about the COVID-19 specifically we suggest you call: AUS Coronavirus Health Information Line: 1800 020 080

HandicappedPets Australia has continued to operate during this crisis. We believe this simple act of safety is one that HandicappedPets Australia customers and staff can undertake together for the benefit of us all.

Our storeroom is following government health recommendations

Our team, our customers and all pets are the primary concern for us here at HandicappedPets Australia. Our staff have received detailed hygiene information and have been directed to follow this advice. They are practising social distancing in the workplace within the team and with customers, are all wearing face coverings in line with government advice (where applicable), and understand they are to remain home if they feel unwell. We are continuing to monitor government health recommendations and requirements and will review and update operational procedures to ensure, as far as practicably possible, we can continue to safely operate in this unprecedented environment.


Can my pet be infected with the COVID-19 virus?
Currently, there is limited evidence that companion animals can get infected with COVID-19 and no evidence they can pass it to humans. As a precaution, if you have contracted COVID-19, try to have your pet cared for by another member of your household and avoid kissing and snuggling with your pet and don’t share food.  Until more information is known, avoid contact with unfamiliar animals and always practice good hygiene washing hands before and after the interaction. 

If you have further questions, please reference the latest Government news
Or we encourage you to visit the links below:

What can I do to best protect myself and my pet?
The World Health Organisation (WHO) website is an excellent resource with regards to general hygiene advice and recommendations, which we have summarised below:

  • Frequently and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water
  • When coughing and sneezing cover your mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw the tissue away immediately and wash your hands
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • Avoid close contact for you and your pet with anyone who has a fever or cough 
  • Avoid greetings that include physical contact e.g. handshakes, high-fives
  • If you are unwell, remain at home and follow the guidelines provided by the WHO 

Can I still pay for my purchase with cash?
With the health and safety of our team and customers our number one priority, we encourage customers to use the contactless payment options available.

Will the supply of product be impacted?
We are working with all supply partners to ensure we keep our shelves stocked with essential items for all pets. Despite increased demand on some items we are working hard to ensure we have stock available at all times. Customers are encouraged to search online if you can’t find the item you need in store. Item limits may apply.